Monday, January 19, 2015

2nd Problem Solved (spray painted fridge handle starting to chip and peel)

Just over a year ago we got a new wall oven and cook top both black with stainless steel. At that point I decided to paint the black handles on my fridge to silver to match. I used spray paint and it worked for quite a long time but had started to chip and/or peel in spots. Having noticed that underneath the factory black it was silver I decided to strip my spray paint silver and the factory black.

        Above  is the handle with the 2 coats of silver spray paint, you can see a few small chips mid left.
Above shows my attempt to scrap both paints off. It was taking to much time and effort and scratching the metal underneath. So on to plan B.
 Above-Varnish remover was plan B and it should have been plan A. It worked wonderfully!
Above- The black factory coat as well as my two silver spray paint coats started bubbling up within 30 secs.
Above- the newly stripped and polished metal. After I wiped the gunky paint/varnish remover away with a rag I did very fine grit,long stroke sanding and polished it with stainless steel polish and it looks pretty good. Should have done this instead of the spray paint to begin with.

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